AchieveBalance4U | 610-751-2270
Board Certified Medical Massage, Certified Lymphedema - Manual Lymph Drainage-Allentown, LIFEWAVE Brand Partner
Oncology Treatments


ONCOLOGY MASSAGE is the adaptation of massage to safely nurture body, mind, and spirit of anyone dealing with cancer.
All sessions are 30 to 90 minutes, depending on your personal needs.

Cancer/Oncology Massage is a practice of specialized massage techniques along with care and compassion. As a Cancer Massage Specialist, I am privileged to help people wherever they may be in their journey with cancer. I provide massage and bodywork for those in any phase of the diagnosis, treatment, or state of recovery. With my specialized training and experience, I am able to address many cancer-related issues such as the physical consequences of cancer, side effects of various treatments as well as the social and emotional aspects of the disease.

Current scientific research supports that cancer massage helps improve quality of life. Other benefits include improved relaxation, sleep and immune function. It can also relieve anxiety, pain, fatigue and nausea.


MASTECTOMY MASSAGE can relieve post-operative pain and edema, and promote the removal of toxins as it assists in the flow of lymph, blood, and oxygen. All sessions are 30 to 90 minutes, depending on your personal needs.

Breast Cancer presents many obstacles to a woman. Not only are pain and physical symptoms present, but emotional and body image issues may arise as well. Mastectomy Massage, performed with a skilled, compassionate and individualized approach to the client's needs, can help ease physical symptoms and promote a higher quality of life.

Over time, Mastectomy Massage clients will experience increased movement, reduced scar tissue, restored feeling and sensation by stimulating nerve endings. And improved body image helps a client become more aware and reconnected to themselves. Aside from promoting better health, massage offers a place of quiet relaxation where the breast cancer client can feel cared for and nurtured through gently therapeutic touch.


CALL 610-751-2270 FOR PRICING

Special positioning and techniques are used to accommodate any physical issues or limitations.
For many cancer patients, touch is associated with pain and discomfort.
Cancer massage and touch are nurturing, calming and soothing. It provides a safe space.

Proud member of the Society for Oncology Massage, an organization founded to ease the journey
through cancer and beyond for patients, family members and caregivers.




Learn more about Oncology Massage at Healwell

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 610-751-2270
3131 College Heights Blvd., Suite 100, Allentown, Pa 
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